Download net interview questions 6th edition by shivprasad koirala

System Requirements: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10

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What is the significance of Finalize method in. NET?. NET Garbage collector does almost all clean up activity for your objects. But unmanaged resources (ex: - Windows API created objects, File, Database connection objects, COM objects etc) is outside the scope of. NET framework we have to explicitly clean our resources. For these types of objects. NET framework provides Object. Finalize method, which can be overridden and clean up code for unmanaged resources can be put in this section? Why is it preferred to not use finalize for clean up? Problem with finalize is that garbage collection has to make two rounds in order to remove objects which have finalize methods. Below figure will make things clear regarding the two rounds of garbage collection rounds performed for the objects having finalized methods. Note: Few of the content is taken from various blogs/articles. In this scenario there are three objects Object1, Object2, and Object3. Object2 has the finalize method overridden and remaining objects do not have the finalize method overridden. Now when garbage collector runs for the first time it searches for objects whose memory has to free. He can see three objects but only cleans the memory for Object1 and Object3. Object2 it pushes to the finalization queue. Now garbage collector runs for the second time. He see’s there are no objects to be released and then checks for the finalization queue and at this moment, it clears object2 from the memory. So if you notice that object2 was released from memory in the second round and not first. That is why the best practice is not to write clean up Non. NET resources in Finalize method rather use What is the use of DISPOSE method? Dispose method belongs to ‘ IDisposable’ interface. We had seen in the previous section how bad it can be to override the finalize method for writing the cleaning of unmanaged resources. So if any.
Contents Learn ASP. NET MVC step by step: - Part 1 Introduction Step 1: Download & Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Step 2: Creating project Step 3: Add a New Controller Step 4: Add a view Step 5: Putting code in the controller and view Step 6: Run the project Step 7: Creating the student model Step 8: Adding the students controller Step 9: Creating the students screen Step 10: Writing logic for Submit click Step 11: Run the application Introduction This article series is targeted for freshers who want to learn ASP. NET MVC. So if you are senior then I would suggest to start from this MVC article. So in this two partarticle I will be creating a simple student data entry screen using ASP. NET MVC, ADO. NET and Jquery. I have used the below youtube video for reference purpose. And would encourage any new ASP. NET MVC learner to first see this videoto get a good kick start. I have broken this tutorial in to two parts. In part 1 we will see what we need to start MVC, we will learn the basics of creating controller, models and view and then we would create a simple student data entry screen and see how it works with the HTTP Post and submit. In the next article we will learn validations both client side and server side and also we will looking to how to interact with SQL Server using ADO. NET. Step 1: Download & Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate For doing ASP. NET MVC the first thing we need is visual studio. So go ahead and install visual studio from the below link. Step 2: Creating project Visual studio is an official IDE for doing any kind of Microsoft development work. And to do any Microsoft development we need to create a project. So click on file – menu and project as shown in the below figure. As said previously visual studio is used to do any kind of development like Windows.
It’s almost more than 5 years I have been working with Microsoft technologies. Initially just like others I was also interested in learning and was desperately looking for challenging works where I can learn, grow and prove myself. Just after I switched my first company I met few people around who were reading some sort of book called “. Net interview questions”.  To be honest I didn’t liked it. At that time I was one of the struggling guy who was desperately trying to improve in terms of technology and communication in order to, first cross the interview and then to earn a respectable position in an organization. At that time I created a small document containing all the interview questions I faced. I was using them as a reference document. When I saw that now without putting any effort people were getting all question with answers I got sad, because I thought now everybody will cross interview and there will be no value for knowledge. But competition! I purchased 4th version of these book so that I can stand head to head with other developer. I started reading and I realized questions I collected were not even 5% of what we have in this book. I was really amazed, because each and every question I faced during my 1.5 years of experience was there. I realized lots of things like “ A book cannot let anybody cross interview”, “ No one will become a great developer by just reading that book”, But “ It can really become a golden sword for those developers who really believe in hard work, improvement and learning”. I was using that book as a reference/revision book for my interviews. The ultimate quality of the book which I realized was the fact that how much less I know about technology and industry. I very strongly prefer each and developer to have this book.  Its fine you know the concept, its fine practically you can do miracles, but who believes you? Who are.
By : Shiv Prasad Koirala | Jun 21st, 2013 | Views : 95301 | Comments : 0 I am getting 20 copies free from my publisher so if you share this on your facebook page or write a review on your blog, you get a free book shipped from me. Please note I just have 20 copies. You can buy this book from flipkart It's the 6th birthday of my. NET interview question book and I am so satisfied with the whole journey this book has travelled. My biggest royalty what I have always got from this book are emails saying I have got job by your book. I myself had tough times in my initial IT days and I hope no fresher sees those tough days what I have seen. I hope this book stands by you in your bad days. So let me just run through what I have added/updated in sixth edition. The first chapter I have started is with TOP 50 technical and non-technical questions. So in case developers want to prepare in an hour or so this chapter will make sure that you are on time. Second chapter runs through basic questions around delegates, events, reflection etc. This time I have added some more important questions around serialization, new. NET 4.5 features, etc. Also I have updated some answers with more precision. ( OOP ) This chapter I have really reworked it. I admit my previous editions did not have answers up to mark. So I have made some big changes in this chapter. As well I have added some more situation based questions around abstract classes and interfaces. A complete chapter I have dedicated to ADO. NET. This time I have really made the images clean, nice and sharp. Also I have reworked on the answers to make it to the point. This chapter I have not altered too much in this edition as new kid in the block, MVC has arrived. But I have still reworked on some answers and diagrams which where confusing in the previous edition.

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